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Why should I submit to the Anthology Film Festival?

We seek to promote up-and-coming horror filmmakers. Our long term goal is to package existing short-form horror into feature-length horror anthologies with the original filmmakers maintaining their stake in the film. 


My Film isn't a traditional sub-genre, where should I submit?

Submit to our Free For All Category! This category is for all those films that defy easy definition. Give us your mash-ups, unique visions, and genre-bending tales.  


I can't  afford the submission fee, is there a discount or waiver?

Absolutely! If you are in need of some extra support contact us at


I have other questions not listed here, what should I do? 

Reach out to us! We're brand new, so please let us know if you have any questions still unanswered. Reach out to us at or reach out on social media. 


Official Rules


Feature and Short Film Guidelines

Films are considered feature-length if they have a total run time of 75 minutes or longer

Films are considered Short Films if they have a total run time of 40 minutes or shorter



All foreign-language films must be submitted with English subtitles. 


Accepted Films

All accepted films will be screened as part of the online festival. 

All Award-winning films will be screened at a live event hosted by The Production Circle and Married to the Moon Productions. This will include all Category Winners and any Special Recognitions and Honorable Mentions. 



All films included in the festival will be required to provide captions. You may submit without captions, captions will be required prior to screening in the festival. Resources are available to help with captioning your film. 


Copyright & Legal Terms

By submitting your work you acknowledge that you accept full legal responsibility for the intellectual property contained in the film. By submitting you additionally warrant that you have full legal right and authority to submit the work for consideration. The submitter of the film and all attached filmmakers indemnify and hold harmless the Anthology Film Festival and any representative against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses that may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening works entered. 


We reserve the right to disqualify submissions at any point prior to or during the festival. 


We reserve the right to decline submissions for consideration or screening for any reason.




It is the intention of the Anthology Film Festival to make available anthologies of festival categories and winners. By submitting to the festival you grant permission for your film to be included. Any distribution of original works outside of festival platforms will be negotiated with the filmmakers. Filmmakers maintain ownership of their films.

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